Baobab, superfood for your hair

A box from ColorProof arrived a few weeks ago, inside where 6 small bottles of their new Baobab shampoo and conditioner, 3 of each. I cracked those babies open and started using them on the first head I could. All I can say is Wow! One shampoo is all it takes to turn dry, dull and distressed hair into silk. I gave a set away to a client for some independent analysis, and after two weeks with my 2oz sample bottles I upgraded to liters at my Backbar and retail sizes for my shelves. Like all the ColorProof products Baobab is concentrated so a tiny bit goes a long way. Do you know I’m still using the 2oz left over on my own hair! 


 Baobab– (Bay-O-bab)  The Baobab tree is one of the Africa’s ancient trees and is also known as the “Tree of Life”, “The Chemist Tree” and “The Monkey Bread Tree”. Adansonia Digitata is the scientific name of baobab tree. Baobab tree can be found all over the African continent and also on the island of Madagascar and is synonymous with the African plains; prevalent throughout Africa. The Baobab Tree is believed to have a life span of 5,000 years and is protected from fire because of its spongy wood. The inflamed short, bottle shaped trunk can hoard up to 30,000 gallons of water during the dry season, which serves as water storage for the villages. This interesting and absolutely magnificent tree has so many stories and interesting facts. If you have winter temps no lower than 50F and can keep it from getting too much water you can grow one of your own. Since I live in the desert southwest I’m tempted, the fruit is touted to have 6x more vitamin C than oranges, 6x more antioxidants than Acia or Blueberries, 6x more potassium than Bananas, 2x more calcium than Milk and 66% more iron than Spinach. And the fruit is described as tasting like yogurt and sherbet. I want some of that! I’m just not sure whether I have room for its expected 90′ height, or the 45′ diameter of its trunk full of water! Oh well, at least I can enjoy the fantastic results of Baobab shampoo and conditioner from ColorProof.

As an Envoy member I receive samples of all new product from ColorProof. While I use and enjoy all the products ColorProof develops, one shampoo was all it took and I was hooked on this Healing & Repair line. The first thing my guests and I noticed was the shine, their hair positively glowed. As the one shampooing their hair I could feel the increase in hydration as well as a healthy feel to the hair. You don’t have to be a veteran hair stylist to know the difference in feel of strong healthy hair vs hair that has been stressed by styling, chemical work, age and environmental factors. It sounds Cliché but Baobab turns back the hands of time on the hair it comes in contact with. While it won’t reverse split ends, it will arrest the further splitting and make every hair on your head stronger(*375% more), smoother(*350% more frizz control) and reduce damage (*510% more) while increasing elasticity(*190%) all while protecting your color and providing heat protection. How does ColorProof do this? Jim Markham has a simple approach to developing every haircare product he’s ever been involved with: find the best ingredients for the specific job you want them to do and make the best products you can. Jim also likes to set the standard rather than follow the herd. Baobab products contain Baobab Powder Complex, Keravis, and Soybean Protein.  *Results based on independent ingredient manufacturer testing.


About lyndadoesmyhair

Master Hair Designer, Wife, Gardener, Cyclist, and so much more...
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